Версии 1.30-1.51 (EOL)¶
Сборка (25.01.2016)¶
VS2015 build fix Fix expert rights default Milestone for queues displaying and visitors coloring (refs #1400) eturnweb user activation fix eturnweb fixes
Сборка (18.01.2016)¶
In first, update license from server, after then check the term of work Ticket temlates updating fix eturnweb preregistration sms sending added KbHandling improove
Сборка (14.01.2016)¶
- Add version to BVVExpertKeyboard
- Fix ORMEFPOCO.StoreQueueState
- Fix ConfirmDefiniteTimeVisitor
4. VersionUp BVVKeyboard handling fix ETurnMasterKey from branch with license Some fixes for FNS code and quizes updating (refs #1243) Milestone before ticket updating Mileston for sms; Anonimous web prereg fix; Killed the HotkeyLocker process in installer. Deleting the files after installation. app.config as embedded resource in projects for installer. App.config as embedded resource in PostgreTester. Fixed the search pattern for configuration finder (installer). Fixed experts“ queues selection (refs #1243) Fixed calling to zone logic (fix #1379) 1. Added sender info settings (impl #1376) 2. Added data uploading for custom date Fixed order id in visitors data upload (refs #1376) Fixed uploading visitors data (impl #1380) Zone invitation logic changed (impl #1379) Added the logging to IdeaCMSConfigurationImporter (installer). Added the logging to ConfigurationFileManager (installer). Added the logging to PostgreTester (installer). Added the setting the parameter max_connections to the postgresql config file. Adverts file format changing Adverts remakes Harcode formats Some formats All reports with partial formatting Daily report Sending report to e-mail report skeleton Report for all experts without format
Сборка (08.01.2016)¶
Update packages Update packages Update packages Packages update Rare adverts caption fixed Advertisements Fixed work with json in installer. Report for all experts started Fit pages Expert report finished
Сборка: (29.12.2015)¶
Fixed expert services selection when it’s not allowed Added expert logout for ETurnExpert (impl #1374) Set host and port to configuration files (installer). Added ConfigurationFileManager in installer. Rename ConfigurationImporter to IdeaCMSConfigurationImporter (installer). Restore db in installer. Added parameters in ConfigurationImporter (installer). Rename eturn.backup to eturn_binary.backup. Fixed the importing default configurations (installer). Added the import default configurations to installer. Changed path to Npgsql (PostgreTester). Added ConfigurationImporter to ETurnInstaller. ConfigurationImporter added to installer. Added project ConfigurationImporter to Release script. Small fixes Done highlighting visitors with same passport number (impl #1371) Expert report Avangard plugin settings improove Certain time visitor fixes Advertisement milestone expert photo picture size fix in ETurnADdmin
** Mon Dec 28 16:09:21 2015 +0300 ** Сборка 1. With char ledpanel habdling fix 2. Keyboard handling refactor 3. VersionUp By default no queues and services are available for expert (impl #1370) Report name with visitor name prefix Five reports Approximately same five reports Some researches for third report Two first reports. Report range was specified Formats for Expert-Queue-Visitor XLSX report Expert-Queue-Visitors XLSX report without format Expert-Queue report data prepared xlsx reports: preparations for launch task Queues&Services ticket templates Queues&Services ticket templates second milestone Queues&Services ticket templates milestone
** Fri Dec 25 18:31:07 2015 +0300 ** Сборка Fix for ETurnAdmin Fixed over-capacity calling to zone (fix #1367) Removed duplicate visitors in GetDisplayedQueuesWithNowServing Fixed visitor invitation (impl #1366) Expert rights changed (impl #1364) Zone calling handles preregistered visitors without using constraints of queue-zone capacity (impl #1363)
** Thu Dec 24 14:14:07 2015 +0300 ** Сборка Small fix in installer (change path to PostgreTester) Added queue prefixes to ETurnExpert (impl #1360) Added PostgreTester in Release script. Queue visitors report with borders and colors Queue visitors report with borders and colors Queue visitors report (without borders) XLSX report maker started Reports data comparison fixed
** Wed Dec 23 17:06:58 2015 +0300 ** Сборка: Small fixes (refs #1357) Added PostgreTester for installer. Added tracking for zones (impl #1357) New Kb look&feel milestone Added zone info to CurrentSystemState window (impl #1356) Added zone info to CurrentSystemState window (impl #1356) Queue monitoring done (impl #1351) Input from user address and port for service in installer. Added the installer builder, set version for installer. The Restoration of the License started 1. Fixed data update for Queue and Zone monitoring windows 2. Two tabs for Queue monitoring window (refs #1351) Set parameters of installer. Added version detection ip in installer. Added the choice of postgresql version (installer). Added postgresql x64 in installer. Fixed pg_delpoy in installer. Rename postgresql to 32. Added the default configurations to installer. Field profile_info added to Expert table Async data update for CurrentSystemState window 1. Fixed queues and service selection for expert 2. Disbaled auto-update for CurrentSystemState window 1. Add ETurnBigscreenNotifyService 2. VersionUp
** Sun Dec 20 15:58:47 2015 +0300 ** Сборка: Type missmatch fixed Visitor namer fields changed. Queue addition and reports not changed yet Fixed: existing queues“ visitor namer id (was null) Manual updated Kind-a-fix for zone calling Change ETurnNotify service event raise policy
** Sat Dec 19 11:35:22 2015 +0300 ** Сборка: Stopwatches. Again. Got rid of some shit in FNS plugin Event queue improvement (impl #1348) Added event queue for notify service (impl #1348) We need moar stopwatches! Stopwatches fixed More stopwatches Added some stopwatches for service
** Fri Dec 18 08:37:30 2015 +0300 ** Сборка Waiting time for visitors with same passport number is fixed (impl #1343) Done treating multiple users with one passport number as same one (impl #1342) Fix Expert visitors update Wizard Changes Added ClearSystem method as JsonRPC Milestone for treating multiple users with one passport number as same one (refs #1342) Fixed postgresql version in InnoSetup. Changed userstartup, userdesktop and group in InnoSetup. Fix user selection in InnoSetup, setup to system drive. Changed postgresql in InnoSetup (version 9.0 to 9.4.5) Ekoton plugin Added interval between visitor served and call with one passport number(impl #1341) 1. «One ticket print» option added (impl #1339) 2. Added prefixes and highlighting for queues and services selection window in ETurnExpert (impl #1340) Auto clients invite ability added to eturnwebexpert
** Wed Dec 16 11:08:38 2015 +0300 ** Сборка Fixed quiz results viewing (refs #1243) HSE Bigscreen updated (config 0084) Monitoring updated for merge (impl #1323) Added workplaces monitoring (impl #1323) DbUpdate command time increase
** Mon Dec 14 13:55:14 2015 +0300 ** Сборка ETurnExpert gui performance improove Add: Summary queue day info for expert Fixed: TicketPrintTimestamp null db value Add:Return visitor to queue Add:Queue clear RedirectFromAnotherQueue fix QueueOrderEdit refresh updating 2115 Fixed queues and services monitoring (refs #1323) Added queues and services monitoring (refs #1323) Concureency fixes Fix visitorHistoryLoad Fix CleanHistory
** Fri Dec 11 13:08:51 2015 +0300 ** Сборка: Fixed GlobalEditWindow 2118 Null reference fix 2116
** Fri Dec 11 09:19:28 2015 +0300 ** Сборка: 1. ETurnExpert fix 2. VersionUp Visitor history is loaded on start (impl #1319) Crutches Added search by FIO and passport number to ETurnAdmin (impl #1317) Fixed the call external script under apache (unpack). Added ticket print, serving begin and serving end dates to CurrentState - Visitors to ETurnAdmin (impl #1316) Added served visitors count and active workplaces count for queues to ETurnAdmin - CurrentSystemState window (impl #1315) Remove local settings file Manual for deploy updates server on Windows Chenged version check comparer Fixed ETurn update freeze if connection unavailable ETurnIntegrationService added to Release ETurnWeb UPDATE_LINK_ROOT AssemblyInfo for ETurnIntegrationService Added visitors and experts count to service selection window in ETurnExpert (impl #1309) System clean Service timetable breaks intersect add Anketed services stored in db (impl #1311) Multiple turngates for zone (impl #1310) 1. Fixed removing visitors from zone in ETurnAdmin 2. Passport number restriction for InviteSpecific added (impl #1307) Queues and services selection done (impl #1309) Some concurrency improvements
** Wed Dec 09 17:07:31 2015 +0300 ** Сборка Check for null 2075 v.avanesyan Folder remove behavior changed ETurnUpdater for two-step update Added queues and services selection to ETurnExpert (impl #1309)
** Tue Dec 08 14:43:57 2015 +0300 ** Сборка Fixed footer template. Changed report template. Merge for update branch with license (need fix) Merge for update branch with license Fixed zone’s called visitors change event (impl #1308) Add ticket results for certain time visitors Avangard plugin project add Avangard plugin add Service timetable milestone Concurency huge fix
** Tue Dec 08 07:01:50 2015 +0300 ** Сборка MaxConnections, MaxConcurrentCalls, MaxConcurrentSessions, MaxConcurrentInstances Visitor cannot be called if the visitor with the same passport number is being served (impl #1307) Fixed visitors displaying in monitoring windows (impl #1306) Added zones“ visitors capacity by queues (impl #1305) Fixed the show the list of instances for periodic report not for company (new web) Fixed the show the list of instances for visitors report not for company (new web) Fixed the show the list of instances for daily report not for company (new web) Fixed the sorting by dates in periodic report.
** Mon Dec 07 08:25:08 2015 +0300 ** Сборка Show some info at VisitorDetailsWindow Add retakeTimeout (налоговая) Interval between ticket print and zone calling (impl #1301) Invite visitor fix Merge to master
** Sat Dec 05 23:52:29 2015 +0300 ** Сборка Added interval before user appearing in queues after the ticket’s been printed (impl #1301) Not use backoffice urls if kit is a updater Software updater paths Release script stderr/stdout -> null Added new event for changed called visitors (impl #1299) Added timeout for visitors, who hasn’t passed the turngate while being called (impl #1298) Added timeout between moments when visitor entered zone and when he can be served (impl #1297) Added restrictions for calling visitors from other zones (impl #1295) Periodic report: total break time detailing script User timezone checkbox toggle script finished Added report_title for periodic report. User timezone checkbox toggle script started Check if time is None Visitor report fix timezone fix Form choices reverted Work with periodic report Added the checking for visitors types in periodic report for company. Added the report title and checking for visitors types in expert report. Added the report title and checking for visitors types in visitors report. Added the report title and checking for visitors types in daily report. Started periodic report for company Added visitor and service info to Quiz window (impl #1294) Periodic expert report for company Periodic report by visitors for company Changed y_title, labels_above for graphics in periodic report. Added checking if quiz allowed for service (impl #1293) Fixed avg_wait_time in daily report. Added manual service updating (impl #1292) Changed avg_wait_time in daily report. Add service timetable Queues and services prefixes Periodic report form visitor types Periodic report form refactor Merge ETurnWizard Constant id for quizes No queues creation in update, only services client full name added to preregistration in webvisitor; localization update; Avangard api and tickets changed Queue resort and expert interface updating Toggle script «In user timezone» for reports Removed unused bootstrap (because reports was moved to other app) RGraph moved to eturn_common Removed debug query print Method is_datetime_min moved to eturn_common Removed unused report functions Report constants moved to eturn_common Methods get_key_or_default and get_value_or_default moved to eturn_common Fix daily report for one instance. Daily report for company. Queue&Servise prefixes milestone Fixed: 20150601 To 20150709 db updater A little fix Expert work end report Graph for expert work time Some report fyncs updated Expert begin work time query Added total_breaks_time for experts in periodic report. Fix AkisTurngate poll response packet Zone handling fix
** Mon Nov 30 15:11:07 2015 +0300 ** Сборка Periodic report: expert total work report Some refactor 2 in bigscreen_informer. Some refactor in bigscreen_informer. Implemented visitors_report in bigscreen_informer. Show hours in bigscreen_visitors_report in instance tz. Done visitors_report_bigscreen with utc without instance timezone. Changed dictionary day_names. Added static to bigscreen_informer. Rename template visitors_report_big_screen to visitors_report_bigscreen. Added queries for visitors bigscreen report. DbUpdaters refactoring localization update eturnweb localization milestone address field added to systeminstace model, company detail page upgrade Add:Certain time visitors canceling and JSON-RPC api Periodic report totals Expert common periodic reports Added «not identified» status for expert serving result (impl #1277) Added option to ETurnExpert to request password on expert logout and utility closing (impl #1279) Added option to ETurnExpert to restrict expert logout and utility closing while serving visitor (impl #1276) Removed queues sync in backoffice profile web preregistration fix 1. Added options to enable/disable exchange with FNS service (impl #1267) 2. Fixed FNS parameters handling Some periodic report types working now Periodic report for expert started Added data upload to file for Experts and Quizes (impl #1272)
** Thu Nov 26 15:50:07 2015 +0300 ** Сборка Fixed Quizes db update (refs #1243) Quiz keybord modifications Added option to ETurnExpert to restrict new visitor invitation before current visitor is served (or not come, or anything) (impl #1271) Added brand new barcodes (impl #1270) Installed python packages list updated Added passport data input on user enqueuing (impl #1268) Fixed DBUpdaters (impl #1269) Quiz service fix Periodic report queries Fixed zone monitoring and visitor calling (refs #1259) Certain time visitor registrator Added zone monitoring (refs #1259) Fixed queues creation and updating (refs #1230) Certain time visitors milestone Zones added (refs #1259) Changed datetime format in reports («d.m.Y H:M:S»). Chop microseconds for serving time (expert_report). Periodic report started Expert util and new visitor optimization ETurnNotifyService reconnect fix Added left join between queue_visitor_statistic and expert_visitor_statistic, added redirect_reason. Fixed the uncertainty with description attribute. Added the additional fields for sending to server (ExpertVisitorStatistic + QueueVisitorStatistic). Updating experts of instance when instance changed Added show dates according user timezone in visitors report. Fixed: queueVisitor.VisitorStatus null reference Update progress form add started QueueVisitorStatistic to ExpertVisitorStatistic relation Fixed: reports printing Add:Add visitor on break option Add visitor types to reports columns Allowed visitor registration type component Added show dates according user timezone in daily report. In daily report the avg waiting time is calculated by visitor type. Changed the converting of format timedelta and fix bug with c visitors report for timedelta is None. Optional timezone for expert report: instance or user Using instance timezone in expert report Working with expert report Added timezone information for user Small fix for menu (refs #1240) Working with exprt report 1. Fixed queues updating (refs #1230) 2. Added getting ticket by PIN-code (refs #1258) Started the report on visitors. 1. Added «IsServed» option for quizes 2. Fixed company and workplaces update on FNS code changed 3. Fixed FNS parameters saving 4. Fixed QuizServiceClient’s default service address (refs #1237, refs #1243) Working with exprt report Queue model updated ETurnPgTools upd DbUpdaters merge fix Added code label in admin’s settings window 1. LedDisplay fix 2. BigScreen «out of memory fix» Added check for null-value. Added virtual for navigation property, send internal_name for queue and service. 1. Added plugin support for ETurnExpert (impl #1254) 2. Fixed deserialization Reference to .dll changed to project Queues removed from ETurn Web Admin Windows manual updated 1. Fixed data uploading (refs #1232, refs #1243) 2. Fixed datetime parsing (refs #1243) Added VisitorType Added class VisitorTypeP, table visitor_type added for sent. Exchange history journal added (impl #1246) In daily report added check serving_end, changed timedelta to datetime for workEnd and workBegin. Prepared data for expert’s report Fixed: instance and company wasn’t used in objects.get Replaced CompanyFK to InstanceFK in Expert, Workplace Add: check visitor cerving time on adding. Fixed: add break visitor waiting 1. ETurnBigscreenHost service ref update 2. ETurnAdmin window title fix 3. VersionUp Milestone for exchange history (refs #1246) Fixed quiz updating (#1243) Seems to be working:
- Enqueuing preregistered visitors
- Automatic data updating
- Uploading logic (not data)
- Added menu building (#1240)
2. Fixes for data updating and uploading (#1230, #1231, #1232) Milestone for data uploading to FNS and for ETurnAdmin (#1232, #1237) Temporary fix for old client type interface Reports joins fixed ETurnNotifyCore improove Changed parameter name from ConnectionString to ServerAddress. Added the connection string to app.config, context get connection string from app.config. Endpoint must be not null otherwise it cause TypeError Methods for create all models for reports. Update models is available, but not fully tested yet
** Tue Nov 10 06:38:16 2015 +0300 ** Сборка Add Akis LedPanel Fixed bugs with types. Added the name of methods for adding. Added sorting for additional tables. Fixed error in script for table user. Added parameter –help for service. Added RemoveFromAllQueues Added the sending additional tables. Added handling for naming_last_reset_datetime. Added the table visitor_status for sending. Added the table visitor_namer for sending. Added the table user for sending. The property row_Status in the POCO-classes became required. The field row_status became mandatory. Added the table visitor_track for sending. Added the additional fields for ExpertVisitorStatistic and QueueVisitorStatistic. Renamed fields from internal_name to name. Added the additional fields for QueueVisitor for sending. Added the additional fields for Queue for sending. Added the additional fields for Service for sending. Added the additional fields for Workplace for sending. Added the additional fields for Expert for sending. Added the additional fields for Visitor for sending. Fixed: ExpertP Rights default value 1. Expert analytics report fix 2. Pg 9.4 support improove Related visitor info null reference fix Visitors types adding started Wait time calculating Retrieving data for second report Added the field Queue in ExpertVisitorStatistic Added the sorting for sending objects. Was removed the Identifiable interface. Added api-methods for classes ServiceP, QueueP, QueueVisitor. Classes QueueP, QueueVisitor, ServiceP implemented interface Identifiable. Added update for tables service, queue and queue_visitor. Implemented interface for synchronization for ServiceP, QueueP and QueueVisitor. Added sending data for VisitorReport, method HandleDate was changed for null value. Created a folder Extenders for classes-extenders. Fix default status Fix bigscreen sound 1. Fix visitor status Methods for add new models Maked new migrations Parameters for new models“ jsons Tests removed Added new models Showing time in instance timezone Added timezone information to instance I forgot about this misprint when renamed project dir Little fixes for daily report Software updates can see, download or delete only superuser 1. Return NowServingExpertId 2. VersionUp 1. Add Kb intercommant timeout Default LED timeout = 500 ms 1. Add pg_bin from PostgreSQL 9.4 2. Add ETurnService setting KeyboardInviteNextOnSecondButtonPress 3. Add RosEng new methods LedPanel voice fix Daily report in first approximation Queries for daily report Scheduled DateTime fix Certain time visitors milestone
** Fri Oct 30 10:06:55 2015 +0300 ** Сборка Led refactor Added interface Identifiable for classes which use for synchronizing. Fix bug with disposable object. Field ServiceId in class ExpertVisitorStatistic became not required. Implemented IDispose for core for disposing timer and context. Added the stopping for service if error was occured. Fixed bugs, added version to logs, added initialization of transforming functions to constructor. Changed bindings by object type and logs TransformingFunctions in a separate class. Added folder for Data. Added icon for service. app.config is embedded resource. Change folders for source files. Catching exceptions inside «atomic» is not good Misprint Check for prevent datetime overflow «update»-methods for API Processing API requests into transactions Daily report queries. Testing Moved request dict keys to consts Added the number of access to the database, methods for collecting data replace on one method. Added json http service’s host and port to settings Added json http service for Quizes Added json-rpc method for quizes Change refresh period for timer. Added the getting instanceId, modifing List to Dictionary. Deleted old filed JsonRpc Created folder for JsonRpc Added the interface ISynchronizedObject, added the method for updating row status. Modified the fields for collecting data. Checking client with instance ID and API key Script for update fixtures Some queries for daily report
** Mon Oct 26 14:06:39 2015 +0300 ** Сборка 1. Add sound play for Led Fixed scripts Added plugin logic for ETurnService and ETurnAdmin Changed: operation codes, response list (now it [int,[indices]) Added: adding all values for first report Added: unique together for *Statistic models API small migrations was aggregated Now methods returns IDs of processed objects Add QueueVisitorStatistics Changed software update settings and appearance Reverted old bootstrap.css without animated progressbar Some refactor, adding the updating methods, adding the Response Status and settings. Change the collecting data. Implemented the collecting data from local db and sending to server. Added the row status to the database, the resulting test dataset from the database Implemented the test json-rpc. Implemented the running service as application. Implemented commands «install», «uninstall», «start», «stop» for integration service. Added the billet for integration service. 1. Merge fix 2. Add ETurnHardwareTest Initial version of documentation Quizes done Quizes milestone json rpc method «Login» rights return Saving changed parametrs for all rows Expert rights add Kiosk host styles return Reset only manual namers Manual reset visitor namers Led messages delay Information colors for software update Led panel workplaces messages handle Selection led workplace by name LedPanel workplases binding fragment Quizes milestone Fix ETurnAdmin
** Thu Oct 15 08:57:13 2015 +0300 ** Сборка - 3Key keyboards added - QuizKeyHandler became service Launching unpacker script as external process Uploading file with progress Added animated striped progressbar Dirty commit: simple upload with async Fixed: if logged user has no instance, remove loader Working with 7z as with external process Added: Software updates upload
** Tue Oct 13 10:32:25 2015 +0300 ** Сборка Rename assembly title from «ETurnComputerEmulator» to «ETurnKeyboardAndRelayBinder» Added the answer from relay, some refactor. Fixed bugs with synchronization Swap buttons «PM_NEXT» and «PM_NO_CLIENT». Swapped buttons «PM_OPERATOR_READY» and «PM_OPERATOR_NO_READY», buttons for relay control was changed on checkboxes When the MainForm is closed disconnect with keyboard and relay. Added buttons for control by relays. Added TcpServerManager, refactor code on this class, added reconnect for relay. Change name of project from «ETurnComputerEmulator» to «ETurnKeyboardAndRelayBinding». Implemented the reconnection to keyboard. Added class for calculation CRC-16, implemented the transfer of data to relay Implemented the switching relay after receiving data Add the computer emulator, takes the commands from keyboard emulator and receice fake command to relay emulator The implementation the form with a relay as a tcp listener Added form for emulation of a set of relay Improved: script for build release ETurnRecordService included in build Improved: sync every instance async Improved: now queues will be synchronized asynchronously Added: icon for ReportService Merge for update branch with license Fixed: Relaunch ETurnDatabaseXmlRestore if config doesn’t exists Fixed: migrations for fix problem with Stat model Changed: wsgi.py for production Added: icon for ETurnUpdate Fixed: don’t show warning message if not DEBUG defined Fixed expand variables Fixed ticket limit for services without queue Temporary fix for model Fixed ETurnUpdate Fixed ticket limit for services without queue Fixed ticket limit for services without queue eturnweb VisitorRegType label added on forms eturnweb fixes
** Mon Sep 21 10:03:54 2015 +0300 ** Сборка Fixed enum values eturnweb reports by hour date display fix eturnweb fixes:
back button in reports added; instance name in reports added; reports buttons fixed;
dates sorting fixed in eturnweb Update a timetable before sending to a client Fixed database restore Error check for periodic timetable Edited apperance of WeekTimetableControl Added periodic timetable for company and queue. Using WeekTimetableControl instead of basic controls Added WeekTimetableControl Fixed codepages for build with VS’15 (UTF-8 with BOM) Improove performace Callback call fix Remove default value for QueueMessageConfig.VisitorIsServedText saving user language added 2. Message subs fix 1. Add GetVisitorInfo JSON-RPC method
** Thu Aug 13 15:37:38 2015 +0300 ** Сборка locales added VisitorReport fix eturnweb localization started eturnweb reports updated VisitorReportRow edited for jsonrpc Added IsActive property for Menu Periodic reports optimization Total periodic reports separation by ticket done By service periodic reports separation by ticket done By queue periodic reports separation by ticket done By expert periodic reports separation by ticket done periodic reports separation by ticket type started Daily report prereg visitor types separation done VisitorRegTypeEnum flags removed; Expert report fix;
** Wed Jul 15 13:54:30 2015 +0300 ** Сборка 1. Fix filling for new statistics fields Visitor report modify start ETurnReports: visitor report modifying done 2. Avarda logging fix ETurnReports: parameter VisitorRegTypeEnum added to jsonrpc methods 1. Fix ETurnExpert redirect to queue ETurnAdmin reports fix ETurnUpdater auto host address discovering fix; ETurnReportService app config fix; ETurnUpdater auto host address discovering fix eturnupdate auto host address discovering Added svetovod keyboards adding to ETurnAdmin, QuizKeyHandler updated ETurnExpertJsonService decorative fix -added hiding of login button for non authorized users in web prereg part when
preregistration for non authorized users is enabled;
-fixed logout; -fixed service name display; -fixed queue details page; eturnwebexpertpanel visitor polling interval changed eturnwebexpertpanel auto connection added Fix for multiple consoles: added getting workplace from config Moved QuizEngine to separate project, got rid of AutomaterRu.QuizEngine usages Added support of multiple consoles to QuizHandler Updated licensing: - Console quiz service Updated licensing: - WebStatistics - WebPrereg Updated licensing: - Poll system Updated licensing: - WebExpert Updated licensing: - SmsInformer Updated licensing: - WebExpert Updated licensing: - Prereg Updated licensing: - Quiz in ETurnAdmin - WebInformer - WebStatistics Updated licensing: - Quiz for console Updated licensing: - IdeaCMS eturnweb backoffice_common migrations created Updated licensing: - Record service 1. Backport RenderMode.SoftwareOnly to BigScreen eturnweb migrations fix Updated licensing: - ETurnAdmin now is able to read license info directly from key eturnweb migrations fix Updated licensing: - ETurnAdmin reports - ETurnAdmin queue management
** Tue Jun 16 11:04:43 2015 +0300 ** Сборка Updated licensing: - VoiceInformer Updated licensing: - ETurnAdmin - ETurnBigScreenHost Fix prereg after 12:00 eturnweb simple user permissions reduced 1. Version uo 2. Prereg with no service fix ETurnExpert client.Time improove make user all companies client after activation added Updated licensing: - ETurnAdmin ETurnWebExpertPanel created eturnwebexpertpanel creation started Updated licensing: - Workplaces - Experts - Queues - Services Added «Valid until» and «Unlimited» parameters to web key config editor eturnweb fixed messages showing in additionals.html eturnweb visitor report not showing minimum dt added eturnweb report headers added 1. Fixed visitor redirect with empty service 2. Implements login and password store at ETurnExpert 1. GrdValid for check 2. Fix prereg handling after restart 3. BigScreen: if (properties.UpdateInterval == 300) properties.UpdateInterval = 10; 4. BigScreen MovingText default color fix eturnweb additional config validation before upload added eturnexpert menu config validation check added Added wait time displaying for each visitor to ETurnExpert (impl #1032) Customizing menu of expert window created Lower panel customization added Constant names for buttons added Added notification on visitor successfully served (impl #1031) License length cheking fixed Some license fix code.nsd update Merge extended lic Formatting error fix Customizing menu of expert window started
** Thu May 28 12:46:10 2015 +0300 ** Сборка 1. VersionUp 2. SMS Position fix Escaped quotes returned license server login form editing Add sending license from key eturnwebexpert invite next button fixed eturnwebexpert logout button modified Fix BVVLetterFirstLedDisplay handling Additional action after serve created Timetable fix Add authorization to lisense update server cosmetic changes Date related timetable created SimpleYearTimetable with back compatibility created License update without security Date related timetable creation started error messages fix for eturnweb Every session save changed to False Kiosk auto adding created Unadded kiosks auto adding started Yandex maps loading setting added Gevent uninstalling fix BVV RGB fix
** Wed May 06 07:35:52 2015 +0300 ** Сборка 1. Service.IsTrailing is used in enqueuing using service set 2. Added VisitorServingResultViewer prereg history fix reports authenticating fixed reports authenticating check added Updating with only one configuration field Avarda milestone Updated events table, added highlighting in ExpertAnalysisReport. Fixed position in enqueue track. Added report printing threading development started eturnweb instance list sorting added Milestone for med-analysis-reports Add support for BVV Rgb panel eturnweb big screen report fixed JsonRpc lib change to bjsonrpc in backoffice JSON library change in ETurnReport start Daily report fixed Fix service priority handling on queue-to-queue redirecting Added kiosk_avarda eturnweb time zone info fix
** Thu Mar 26 12:43:18 2015 +0300 ** Сборка Fix ETurnWeb/eturndisplay 1. Change «Visitor is served» button mark to green 2. VersionUp 3. Add pip_install.cmd to ETurnWeb/eturndisplay Fixed HTTP 0 error in ETurnDisplay Migrations merge Migration fix Changed some unique constraints to deferrable Added fix for db version of 2015.01.16 Added «Trailing service» flag to ETurnAdmin’s service edit window. Migrations created, fixes; Auto menu finished; Fixed visitors“ sizes in ETurnDisplay Added scrollbar for QueueOrderEditWindow Post approach Get approach Queues using forms variant GoBack button fix 1. Fixed russian letters in instance 2. Fixed PeriodicUpdate in ETurnReportService 2. Fixed ETurnUpdater 1. Keyboard keep-alive Add DebugUP and ReleaseUP solution configs
** Wed Mar 18 10:44:35 2015 +0300 ** Сборка Added restore app.config in ETurnReportService Fixed ETurnUpdater Added checking restore util before download config 1. Added migration eturnweb jsonrpc port parameter added eturnweb preregistration menu reconstruction started eturnweb service interactions in live changed to jsonrpc Fixed ETurnUpdate 1. Extract time for show content in AdPlayer from filename eturnwebexpert visitor not come button image changed;
buttons order changed;
BigScreenHost single instance fix 1. ETurnExpert change VisitorNotCome icon eturnweb service interaction type change finished ETurnServiceBase callback fixed 1. Add RecallEvent 2. VersionUp Fixed links Fixed paths eturnweb service interaction type change started 1. Fixed ascii encode 2. Fixed mimetype
** Mon Mar 09 12:21:52 2015 +0300 ** Сборка Fixed ETurnDatabaseRestore Added Applications in Admin Add clean scripts Token error fixed Vertical orientation added Loading animation finished + fixes Added configuration eturn migration Prepared for Django migrations Added configuration info Service select finished, loading screen started for eturnweb Added update configs Configuration checking fail add Fixed cascade delete Masterkey changing Refreshing Guardant dll from SDK7 Outdated methods (like GrdCrypt) has been replaced with new (like GrdCryptEx) Guardant .nsd mask replaced Demo update
** Fri Feb 20 13:54:18 2015 +0300 ** Сборка Visitor tracking finished; Optimization of dialogs finished; Style modified; empty expert choice check added; Services select started; UIDialogs optimization in eturnweb started Single visitor tracking created 1. Assembly update 2. TicketLimit default value fix Added ETurnReportService update 1. Added production wsgi and settings 2. Updated NLog in Updater Milestone for Visitor track web
** Wed Feb 18 17:07:26 2015 +0300 ** Сборка Fix update ETurnApps 1. Fix reference 2. Fix null server version Redirect to another expert created Invite confirmation added; Refresh buttons added; Service time setup created; Visitor track page started; Optimization fixes Lic: Checking experts count Method for VisitorsReview created eturnweb app path fixed 1. Add UpdateDbFrom20150210_0000To20150211_0000 SendSMS & reset numeric namers functions added, visiter review started
** Tue Feb 10 17:22:41 2015 +0300 ** Сборка Improove DBVersion Check Fix DBUpdaters Added ETurnWeb RecallVisitor action created, showQueue modified, InviteSpecific started Fixed some charts Charts done Milestone for company-wide reports 1. pyjsonrpc client was replaced by bjsonrpc because of http instead of tcp usage 2. Periodic reports and charts almost done (tooltips left) 3. Daily report left to be donef 4. Experts and visitors reports“ done Milestone for company-wide reports. Added expert’s report 1. Fixed ETurnKiosk_26.3 2. Fixed project ETurnKiosk Milestone for company-wide reports Fixed charts Fixed tables in reports to show «Totals», dates and timespans correctly
** Tue Feb 03 14:54:56 2015 +0300 ** Сборка 1. Fix BigScreen config 2. Fix akibank bigscreen 1. Sorting at visitor report Button actions and new buttons added to eturnweb, methods added to ETurnExpertJSONService Analog timer added to eturnexpert web ETurnWeb new buttons added in eturnexpert Milestone for fixing periodic reports and adding charts for them 1. Слова Касса, Операционист женским голосом 2. Задачи #966, #967, #968, #969 Added «Daily report» charts Added periodic configuration updating for ETurnService Milestone for configuration auto-updating Fixed bug in enqueuing: workplaces with no logined expert should not be taken into account when looking for the minimally loaded workplace for queue Fix MsgPlayer memory leak Config 90(akibank) AdPlayer Changed default PrinterCheckPeriod Fixed «expert replacement» in ETurnAdmin Added «replacement queue» for expert replacement Release script update Milestone for expert replacement based on «replacement queue» Added enqueuing for selected service Changes in MultiQueueService’s concept - Queue for visitor is chosen depending on Service being chosen by MultiQueueService client - QueueSets are replaced by ServiceSets Service’s Queue field became just DEFAULT queue, not the ONLY Enqueuing for selected service and expert replacement left to be done 1. Fixed replacement clearing 2. Added enqueuing for QueueSet